Empower various industries to digitalize logistics management
Business Cooperation
STO Express is the leading express delivery enterprise in China. It has a total of 68 transshipment centers in China, more than 25,000 service outlets and stores, more than 3,200 main transportation lines, and an average of more than 20 million parcels are processed every day. In the face of such a huge business volume, STO decided to informatize its logistics management and work with GREA as a partner to help its logistics digital transformation.

Founded in 1993, STO is committed to the construction and development of national brands. Based on the traditional express delivery business, it provides fast and convenient express delivery services for the majority of users. At the same time, STO does not disconnect the one-stop emerging business of B2C, actively invests in the construction of a global overseas warehouse service system, provides one-stop supply chain services for global cross-border e-commerce, fully enters the field of e-commerce, and promotes the development of China's express delivery industry with professional services and strict quality management.

After more than 20 years of development, STO Express has formed a complete and smooth self-operated express network nationwide. On December 30, 2016, STO Express was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, adding strength to the listing legion in China's express delivery industry. As of December 2019, the company has more than 3,500 independent outlets and branches, more than 300,000 employees, and nearly 10,000 new jobs every year. In the same year, the operating revenue was 23.089 billion yuan, an increase of 35.71% year-on-year, and the business volume was 7.371 billion pieces, an increase of 44.19% year-on-year, exceeding the industry's average growth rate of 18.89%, and the growth rate of business revenue continued to maintain a high growth.

In this cooperation, GREA helped STO build an integrated logistics management system for industry and finance, which was launched nationwide in 2019. After being launched, the inspection showed that its business improved by more than 200 items, the transportation arrival time rate increased by 55%, the settlement date was 20 days in advance, the loading rate increased by 10-14%, and the digital coverage reached 95%, saving the overall operating cost of 1 billion yuan in 2019, and the digital reform of logistics achieved remarkable results.